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Thanks for your interest in supporting someone who is serving with us on one of our upcoming trips!  We are grateful for your investment in what God is going do in and through them around the world.


TEN:24, is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations given to TEN:24 are tax-deductible per IRS rules. While donations may be preferenced for specific areas of ministry or projects, to maintain the tax deductibility of your gift, TEN:24 must accept it without restriction.If the person you are supporting isn't able to go on the trip or if they raise more money than needed, all donated funds will be used to further the mission and purposes of TEN:24.


  • Giving online—To make a one time or recurring donation to a trip participant using your credit or debit card:

    •  Click the button below

    • Find the trip of the person you would like to support and click Donate

    • When the giving page opens, choose the participant you would like to support using the drop-down menu under participant.


  • Giving by check—Make checks out to TEN:24, Inc. and send to PO Box 33375, Fort Worth, Texas 76162. Use the memo line to indicate the preference for your gift if using this method. If your preference is to support a specific trip participant, please write their full name and trip code on the memo line.


  • Automated Bank Draft - Most online banking platforms will allow you to set up an automatically recurring payments where the funds are automatically sent from your checking account to TEN:24 each month. Use the memo line to indicate the preference for your gift if using this method.  (If you are unsure how to do this, check with your bank or use the help menu through your online banking service and search for recurring payments.)​




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