TEN:24 exists to connect people with Christ and one another in ways that
encourage collaboration and excellence in fulfilling The Great Commission.
God's Glory
The ultimate goal of all that we do is God's glory. He is the only One who is truly worthy of our worship. We are not out to make a name for ourselves, but to make Him famous. He is a God who desires worshippers from every tongue, tribe, and nation and He gives us the privilege of sharing the greatness of His nature and character with others.
Biblical Truth
The Bible is the ultimate authority on Truth and it guides us in life and in ministry. We seek to know and understand it and then to live according to it. Understanding Biblical truth leads to living Biblical lives.
Life Change
Apart from Christ we can do nothing, but through Christ all things are possible. As we follow Christ, we should be a more accurate reflection of His image every day. God has rescued and redeemed us and He gives us new life. More than just sharing knowledge or having great experiences, we want all of our interactions with others to result in life-changing thoughts, attitudes, and actions.
God deserves our best. If we value making Him famous, then the things we do should reflect the excellence of His nature. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well.
God has given each of us different talents, strengths, experiences, and passions. There are lots of amazing people doing lots of amazing things around the world. Instead of "reinventing the wheel" we value partnering with other individuals and organizations who are doing excellent ministry in their contexts and spheres of influence.
We live in a culture of drift. It doesn't take long to become complacent or distracted and to quit actively pursuing and living for Christ. We seek to be and to encourage others to be intentional with the time, talent, and resources God has given in order to make the most of every opportunity He gives us to love Him and love others.
As we invest in other individuals and ministries, our hope is that disciples and ministries will be multiplied. We are not content to simply add converts or increase knowledge. We want to see exponential growth as people grow and then teach others who will teach others who will teach others.